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The official website of the State of Mississippi
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA)

Effective 11 December 2024, FTA pays up to $250.00 per semester hour, not to exceed 18 semester hours ($4,500.00) per fiscal year. FTA is paid directly to the education institution on behalf of the Soldier. May be used for up to 130 semester hours for an undergraduate degree, 39 semester hours for a graduate degree, and 21 semester hours for certificates.  

What to know:
  • FTA is only available for Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARNG) Service Members (SMs).

    • As of FY24, Mississippi Air National Guard (MSANG) SMs are no longer eligible for FTA.

  • FTA will not pay for a duplicate or lower degree.

  • Receiving grades of D, F, W, or I for undergraduate courses or C, D, F, W, or I for graduate courses will result in recoupment of any FTA funds paid.

  • Officers / Warrants incur a service obligation when using FTA.

    • AGR / Active Duty: 2 years Active-Duty Service Obligation (ADSO).

  • TPU / M-Day: 4 years Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO).

  • Enlisted Soldiers must complete FTA funded courses a minimum of 30 days prior to ETS date.

  • FTA can be used in conjunction with State Education Assistance Program (SEAP) and GI Bill Benefits.

  • Register through ArmyIgnitED.

  • Must be currently serving in the MSARNG and have a military CAC.

  • Prior to submitting Education Goal, Soldiers must complete ArmyIgnitED 101 Training and Career Path Decide.

  • Soldiers may submit TA requests up to 60 days prior to TERM start date.

  • TA requests must be submitted no later than 14 days prior to TERM start date.

    • ArmyIgnitED prevents the input of TA requests 7 days prior to TERM start date.

  • Evaluated Degree plan is required after 2 classes.

  • Flagged Soldiers are ineligible for FTA.

Education Services Specialist (NGB / MSARNG)
Phone: (601) 927-9297

  State Education Assistance Program (SEAP)

SEAP is a general scholarship for MSNG SMs attending accredited institutions of higher learning within the State of Mississippi for undergraduate studies and career and technical training. This program is up to an undergraduate degree. All funds are subject to availability of the appropriations from the State Legislature. Program intention is to pay tuition at a Mississippi institution to the fullest extent as allowed by appropriated funds. Late applications will only be considered on a limited case-by-case basis with a written Exception to Policy (ETP) request by the SM’s Company Commander. 

SEAP Deadlines
  • Fall Semester: 01 September.

  • Spring Semester: 01 February.

  • Summer Semesters: 2 weeks after the semester start date (AS FUNDS ALLOW)

SEAP Eligibility Requirements
  • SM completed Basic Training or joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP).

  • The following Warrant Officer and Officer Grades are eligible for SEAP:

    • Warrant Officers: WO1-CW4.

    • Officers: O1-O4.

  • Legal registered voter in the State of Mississippi.

  • Actively serving in good standing (not flagged) and serving through the end of the semester.

  • SMs must complete SEAP funded courses prior to Expiration Term of Service (ETS) / Mandatory Removal Date (MRD).

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA for the previous semester in which SEAP funds were used or satisfactorily complete a vocational course that does not produce a GPA.

  • Enrolled at an accredited MS College / University, MS Community College, or MS Vocational / Credentialing program.

What Does SEAP Pay?
  • Funds used as a general scholarship.

  • MS Colleges / Universities: Pays up to $10,000 per State fiscal year (01 JUL through 30 JUN).

    • Full-time: $5,000 per semester.

    • Part-time: $2,500 per semester.

  • MS Junior / Community Colleges: Pays up to $5,000 per State fiscal year (01 JUL through 30 JUN).

    • Full-time: $2,500 per semester.

    • Part-time: $1,250 per semester.

  • MS Vocational / Credentialing Programs: Pays up to total cost of program, not to exceed $10,000 per State fiscal year (01 JUL through 30 JUN).

    • If school exceeds $10,000, for a State FY, justification memorandum required.

  • May be combined with any GI Bill benefit, FTA, grants, and scholarships.

    • SMs utilizing their Post 9-11 GI Bill benefit are only authorized the part-time SEAP amount.

  • Once a SM has reached the 10 year mark from their SEAP start date, SEAP can no longer be utilized.

  • All funds are subject to availability of the appropriations from the State Legislature.

SEAP Application  
  • SMs must submit their SEAP application form via the MSNG SEAP website ( SMs requesting SEAP for the first time must register for an account. Once account is approved, SMs can then login and submit their application.

  • SMs can submit applications, for the following semester, beginning on:

    • Spring: December 1 - February 1

    • Fall: July 1 - September 1

    • Summer: April 1 - June 30 (AS FUNDS ALLOW)

Contact Information  (preferred)
Office Numbers(601) 313-6300 or (601) 313-6442 or (601) 313-6276

Useful Links and Resources


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764