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Leaving Active Duty

An Investment In Your Future 

Your sacrifice defending this great nation has brought great credit to your branch of service, your country, and most of all, to yourself. The time you have invested on active duty demonstrates your willingness to selflessly serve your nation. 

Now join the National Guard and continue to reap the rewards from your active duty service: rewards that will benefit you and your family for years to come.

Always Ready!

The Army National Guard’s unique dual mission to serve both the community and the nation on a part-time basis may be just what you’re looking for. 

In the wake of natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes or wildfires, the state Governor has the option to call out the National Guard to assist with the relief effort in those communities. You’ve already been trained and are well prepared to handle challenges and adversity. Put that training to good use and proudly serve alongside other agencies to provide security and to render aid to those in the affected areas. 

On a larger scale, the President of the United States may call on the National Guard to serve the country in contingency operations anywhere in the world. Once again, your active duty training and experience, along with access to the highest quality equipment and the most professional leadership, will ensure your success under any condition. Most often, however, you will serve your community at one of more than 3,200 armories nationwide. 

The challenges in the Army National Guard are real, but so is the sense of satisfaction that comes from serving others. 

Your Future Is In Your Hands 

National Guard training can provide you with the skills you need to get an edge in the private sector, and could well be the key to landing a promising and successful position in the civilian workforce. With over 200 career specialties to choose from, you’re sure to find one that’s similar to what you did on active duty. You may also wish to pursue an entirely new skill. The choice is in your hands. 

Get The Education You’ve Always Wanted! 

In today’s world, getting a college education is very expensive. Don’t let these rising costs deter you from pursuing your college degree. We can help. The National Guard puts a high priority on higher education and proves it with outstanding financial assistance programs. 

These include student loan repayment options, and in cooperation with many states, 100% free tuition to nearly any accredited college or university and to many technical schools. 

Live The Adventure! Earn The Rewards! 

Your service and commitment to the Army National Guard brings with it real and tangible rewards such as: 

A monthly paycheck 

  • Up to a $20,000 enlistment bonus 

  • Up to 100% Tuition Assistance to cover tuition costs and fees, not to exceed $4,500 per fiscal year 

  • The Army National Guard G.I. Bill Kicker, which provides additional funding, for those who qualify, of up to $12, 600 for officers and $7,200 for enlisted Soldiers—for college or other approved technical training (may be used with either active duty or Selected Reserve G.I. Bill) 

  • Student loan repayment of up to $20,000 on pre-existing loans 

  • Tax-free shopping and recreational privileges on military bases

  • Free space-available travel on military aircraft 

  • Low-cost life insurance 

  • Military retirement benefits for part-time service 

  • A 401(k)-type savings plan 

To find out more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the National Guard contact 1-800-GO-GUARD or visit the Mississippi Army National Guard Recruiting Site today! Be sure to mention the Active to Guard program.


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764