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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Mississippi Military Department

Mississippi Magnolia Gold

The Shoulder Sleeve Insignia, Institutional Tab, and Organizational Colors of the Mississippi Magnolia Guard Officer Leadership Program (GOLD) were approved January 15, 2015, by Major General Augustus L. Collins, the Adjutant General of Mississippi via Permanent Order 022-701.  The SSI and Institutional Tab are authorized for wear by Soldiers participating in the GOLD program​.  The GOLD program is an activity of the Mississippi Military Department, administered and operated by the Mississippi Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion.






A modified version of the Minuteman, the symbol of America's National Guard is located in the center of the patch symbolizing the affiliation with the National Guard. The Minuteman is superimposed over the state of Mississippi. The Magnolia represents the State Flower. The two gold stars represent the two stars of The Adjutant General of the State of Mississippi. The color gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph that all Mississippi National Guard Leaders demand. The color Black is associated with power, elegance, and formality of the Military-Higher Education Partnership.

Institutional Tab

The Institutional Tab shall be embroidered with either the initials of the participating institution or their mascot ("Tiger"). Currently approved tab initials are as follows:


Organizational Color

One organizational color is authorized for the program headquarters. The flag is a 3-foot hoist by 4-foot fly, white background, with the device of the full-color GOLD SSI centered, trimmed with a 2 1/2-inch yellow fringe.


One guidon is authorized for each participating institution. The guidon is white with the full-color GOLD SSI centered, and institutional identifier centered below.​


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764