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The official website of the State of Mississippi

State Aviation Office

State Aviation OfficeState Army Aviation Officer • 

Command and control aviation support facilities, manage aviation operations, aviation logistical programs, and aviation safety programs.  Assist all aviation units in training, equipping, and preparing forces for mobilization and deployment for their federal and state missions.

Direct Contacts

State Army Aviation Officer
Phone: (601) 313-6262

Aviation Program Specialist
Phone: (601) 313-6301

Aviation Program Analyst
Phone: (601) 313-6302

Flight Scheduler
Phone: (601) 313-6297

Fax: (601) 313-6126

  Flight School Information

This page is designed to provide you with a checklist of the step-by-step process in which YOU will need to undertake in order to become an Army Aviator. This checklist has been streamlined to give you the information that YOU need to do in order to get on the Order of Merit List (OML) for an Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) quota. You will also find the prerequisites that you must fill in order to even be considered (ie. age, physicals, Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test [AFAST], etc.). If you are coming from the Reserved Officers' Training Corp (ROTC), Officer Candidate School (OCS), wanting Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS), etc., this page will assist you in the path you will need to take.


Minimum prerequisites (officer or warrant):
  1. Vision Requirements: Applicants for MOS 153A, Aviator, must meet the standards for the Class 1A flight physical. You will not qualify with uncorrected distant visual acuity worse than 20/50 in each eye and/or not correctable with spectacle lenses to 20/20 in each eye. The full vision standards are listed in para 4-12, AR 40-501 (STANDARDS OF MEDICAL FITNESS).

  2. Must not be older than 32 years of age at the start of flight training.

  3. Score 90 or higher on the Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test (AFAST). The flight facility will administer the testing. Utilize pages 266-323 for Army Aviation in the study guide provided on this page.

  4. Successfully pass a Class 1A Flying Duty Medical Examination (FDME) IAW AR 40-501 that has been approved by the Commander, U.S. Army Aeromedical Center.

  5. Must get interviewed by the gaining aviation unit to ensure slot availability. Must be a member of the MS ARNG and be projected to hold and aviation slot in the MS ARNG. (unit, para. and line number required).

  6. Must schedule and complete a flight screening board with one of the facility commanders. This board will consist of an interview with the IERW Selection Board at one of the 3 facilities or AVCRAD. You will receive a written endorsement to proceed in the flight packet process. The flight facility will also assist you in setting up AFAST testing and getting a Class 1A flight physical.

  7. Must have a current "pass" on the APFT according to FM 21-20.

  8. Must meet height/weight standards according to AR 600-9 (THE ARMY BODY COMPOSITION PROGRAM).

    ** Warrant Officer Candidates Only Complete steps 9 - 10. **

  9. Complete NGB Form 62.

  10. Complete the paperwork required for Federal Recognition as a Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC).

  • No documents available at this time.


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764