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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Staff Judge Advocate


We are dedicated to providing general legal information and guidance to our military community. However, it is important to understand the limitations of our services. Please read the following disclaimer carefully:

No Representation in Court: Our office is not authorized to represent individuals in court proceedings. The legal assistance provided is limited to advice and general information. If you require representation in a court of law, you will need to secure the services of a civilian attorney.

Not a Substitute for Civilian Counsel: The legal assistance provided by our office is not intended to replace the advice or representation of civilian counsel. While we strive to offer accurate and helpful information, the complexities of legal matters often require the expertise of an attorney who can provide tailored advice and representation specific to your situation.

General Information Only: The information provided on this website and through our services is of a general nature and may not apply to all situations. Legal advice should be sought for specific cases, as laws and regulations can vary based on individual circumstances.

No Attorney-Client Relationship: The use of this website or any communication with our office does not create an attorney-client relationship. Any information provided is not confidential and does not constitute legal advice.

Seek Professional Advice: If you have a legal issue that requires immediate attention or specialized legal advice, we strongly encourage you to consult with a civilian attorney.

Legal Assistance appointments are offered Tuesday through Friday from 0830 to 1500.  Appointments may be obtained by e-mailing or by calling (601) 313-6375. 
Walk-ins are reserved for emergency circumstances.  At all times, priority is given to deploying or deployed service members and their immediate family.
Legal Assistance clients must complete the electronic Consultation Form prior to all consultations.
For additional information, you may contact the Mississippi National Guard Legal Assistance Office at (601) 313-6375 or via e-mail at 

  Basic Services
​Basic advice and services on personal legal matters including
  • Notary Services

  • Estate Issues: wills, living wills, advance medical directives and powers of attorney

  • Landlord-Tenant Issues

  • Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act Issues

  • Veterans' Reemployment Rights

Services NOT provided
  • Representation in any court
  • Private business activities, including rental ownership issues
  • Litigation or claims against any government entities
  • Prepaid-legal-representation cases such as your insurance company defending you in a tort case
  • Contingent Fee Cases
  • Standards of Conduct Issues
  • Legal issues or concerns raised on behalf of a person who is ineligible for legal assistance

For defenses to charges brought pursuant to the Mississippi Code of Military Justice contact us at (601) 313-6375 for a referral to the Trial Defense Service offices..

  Brochures | References
​Legal Brochures

Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

The Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care are two documents that go hand-in-hand. The Living Will is a document that states to healthcare professionals your wishes in regards to life-sustaining procedures. The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is a document designating an individual to make health care decisions for you while you are temporarily incapacitated.

Power of Attorney

Under Mississippi Law Guidance for Servicemembers regarding Powers of Attorney.

  • Power of Attorney (POA)

    A Power of Attorney (POA) is a written instrument that allows you (the “principal”) to authorize your agent (the “attorney-in-fact”) to conduct certain business on your behalf. It is one of the strongest legal documents that you can give to another person. There are two types of Powers of Attorney; “general” and “special” (or limited). A general POA gives your agent very broad powers to act on your behalf; and a special POA limits your agent’s authority to act only on certain matters. Every act performed by your agent within the authority of the POA is legally binding upon you. Since a POA is such a powerful document, it should be given only to a trustworthy person, and only when absolutely necessary. Your legal assistance office can advise you about, and prepare for you, the appropriate POA needed for your situation.
  • General Power of Attorney (GPOA)

    A General POA (GPOA) gives your agent the authority to do most things you could do yourself. Making a GPOA can have serious consequences. With a GPOA, your agent can (for example) buy a car with your money, borrow money that you must repay, sell your personal property, or remove all funds from your bank account. While a GPOA may be helpful, it can also be very dangerous. Limit the duration of the GPOA to one year or less. Ensure that your agent is someone that you absolutely trust with all of your money and legal decisions. If you lose trust in your agent, consult a legal assistance attorney about revoking the GPOA. As an alternative, consider one or more special powers of attorney instead. If you only need specific tasks performed while you are away, then you should not obtain a GPOA.
  • Special (Limited) Power of Attorney

    A special, or limited POA authorizes your agent to do only a specified act, such as sell your car, ship your household goods, or cash your paycheck. Because it is more specific, the special POA is safer than a broad GPOA and more likely to be accepted by third parties.
  • Special Power of Attorney to Act “In Loco Parentis”

    The phrase “in loco parentis” means “in the place of the parent.” This common type of special POA grants parental authority to another (such as a caregiver) to perform a range of functions which can include picking up a child from school, buying food and clothing, and consenting to medical treatment for the child in the event of illness or injury. Without this type of special POA a day care center, school, store, hospital or clinic, fearing legal repercussions, may refuse to follow the directives of the caregiver or other agent, and require the specific authorization of the actual parent.
  • Documents

Benefits for Deployed Soldiers

Benefits for Deployed Soldiers under Mississippi Law. Summary of rights and benefits provided under Mississippi law for deployed Service members that is in addition to rights under applicable federal law.

Notarization and Certified Copy Services

Outlines what notarizations and certified copies service offer by the OSJA DLA.

Power of Attorney Revocation

Power of Attorney Revocation under Mississippi Law. Information on revoking a POA under Mississippi law.

Non-Support of Dependent or Ex-Spouse

Dependents or Ex-Spouse. This handout provides guidance for dependents or ex-spouse who have a claim that a Service member is not properly supporting his or her legal dependents.

Debt Collection and Consumer Protection

Provides information regarding federal and state laws related to debt collection and consumer protections.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a crime. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes, most commonly to obtain access to credit in your name.

Soldier's Guide to Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL)

Soldiers are faced with the great responsibility of safeguarding the use, custody, and control of government property. If you are responsible for Government property that is damaged, destroyed, or lost, you may be the subject of a Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) to determine if you should be held financially liable for the loss.

Upgrading Your Discharge and Acquiring Your Military Records

Veterans who desire a correction to their service record or who believe their discharge was unjust, erroneous, or warrants an upgrade, are encouraged to apply for review.

Will Worksheet

This worksheet will answer common questions concerning wills.


The purpose of the Employment and Reemployment Rights of Members of the Uniformed Service Act is to minimize life disruption of service members and their employers by providing prompt reemployment upon completion of service, and to prohibit discrimination against service members because of their service.

Leaving Servicemember Group Life Insurance (SGLI) Proceeds to Minors

A SGLI policy is the largest single estate asset for many members of our military community, and careful management of this resource is vital to effective estate planning.

Family Support, Child Custody and Paternity AR 608-99

Army policy on financial support of family members, child custody and visitation, paternity, and related matters.

Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection in Mississippi - Vehicle

Consumer Protection in Mississippi - Home

Consumer Protection in Mississippi - Financial

Legal References

Family Support, Child Custody and Paternity

Army policy on financial support of family members, child custody and visitation, paternity, and related matters.

Mississippi National Guard Regulation 27-10 (NGMS REG 27-10), MILITARY JUSTICE

This regulation implements Act No. 50 of 1969, as amended. It includes changes through the 2019 legislative session. It also prescribes additional policies and procedures governing the administration of military justice for the general court-martial jurisdiction of the Mississippi National Guard.

Additional Links

Pro Bono Resources

The Mississippi Bar provides free legal services information online through this website. The information covers such legal issues as family law, consumer law, landlord/tenant law and other non-criminal matters.

Mississippi Law Annotated

This website gives free access to the Mississippi Code Annotated. [The Mississippi Code of 1982 is copyrighted by the State of Mississippi. By using this website, the user acknowledges the State's copyright interests in the Mississippi Code of 1982.


This website is a resource designed to educate and inform military members on their personal legal affairs. 

DFAS - Garnishments

DFAS provides payment services for the U.S. Department of Defense. This page gives information on Child Support and Alimony, Former Spouses' Protection Act, Garnishments, Verification of Military Service, and more.


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764