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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Construction and Facilities Management Office (CFMO)

Director of CFMO • COL Rick Weaver

Our mission is to execute the Mississippi Army National Guard facilities program to provide, maintain, manage, and operate administrative, logistical, training, and support facilities and associated infrastructure to support to enhance READINESS of the MSARNG.

Our vision is to be a customer service-based organization that employs efficient processes and procedures that drive better management and resource decisions and shall provide timely support to ensure the MSARNG has mission ready facilities that meet current and future readiness requirements. 


The Facilities office consists of five work centers not including the FMO section. New construction, large and small. Additions and alterations to existing facilities Facility planning Programming of funds Facility inventory Facility maintenance Facility repair State and Federal contracts

1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39202

Mailing Address
Post Office Box 5027
Jackson, Mississippi 39296-5027

Office Hours
Monday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Direct Contacts

Construction & Facilities Management Office
Phone: (601) 313-6364

Phone: (601) 313-6228

Facilities Management
Phone: (601) 313-6372

Planning & Programming
Phone: (601) 313-6549

Project Management
Phone: (601) 313-6504

Resource Management
Phone: (601) 313-6823

Special Projects
Phone: (601) 313-6109

How to get a project?

Three project teams serve Camp Shelby, Camp McCain and one for all "Other Facilities".

Project Development

The statewide planning board meets in April and September with the planning teams meeting about a month before that. Planning teams gather potential projects and review them for feasibility and merit. Top projects are developed into a "product development brochure" and forwarded to the Planning & Programming department for review by the state planning board. This does not apply to maintenance and repair issues, but rather new construction or addition/alteration of existing facilities.

Contracting Information

State vs. Federal Contracting

Contracting of services and construction projects for the Mississippi Army National Guard are accomplished in either the federal system administered by the United States Property and Fiscal Office (USP&FO) or this office for "State of Mississippi" or state contracts. This department coordinates federally funded state contracts and services as well as some wholly state funded contracts and services.

  Project Documentation
  Electronic Vendor Payments

Streamline business-to-business payments with PayMode®

State of Mississippi vendors can receive electronic deposits thru PayMode®

The State of Mississippi is streamlining and improving our Statewide Automated Accounting System (SAAS). The State of Mississippi has chosen PayMode® to replace the current method of paper check and remittance delivery as our preferred method of supplier payment.

You will find PayMode represents a clear and measurable improvement over all other SAAS payment methods as well as an important enhancement to our business relationship. We are confident that you will benefit by using PayMode. We anticipate and eagerly await your participation in this program. The State of Mississippi will begin making payments to you electronically once you have enrolled and been activated in PayMode.

To learn more and see how PayMode works, or to enroll and begin receiving payments more efficiently from the State of Mississippi, please click on the "Learn More about PayMode" link to the right.

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1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764