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Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

SAPRSexual Assault Response Coordinator  Mrs. Tiffany Crawford

The Mississippi National Guard is committed eradicating incidents of sexual assault by instituting policy and program that focuses on increasing awareness through prevention and education, victim centered support, intimidation free reporting, with thorough investigation and accountability for those who commit sexual crimes.

For Support and Assistance, you may call the following personnel with confidentiality.

If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted:

Go to a safe location away from the attacker, Call 911 and Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault.


Direct Contacts

JFHQ ​Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Phone: (601) 313-6356
Mobile: (601) 850-6872

JFHQ Victim Advocate
Phone: (601) 313-6714
Mobile: (601) 543-2971

Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Phone: 1-888-987-9011

DoD Safe Helpline (24/7)
Phone: 1-877-995-5247

DoD Safe Helpline Text
Phone: 55247 (in the U.S.)
Phone: 202-470-5546 (outside the U.S.)


Victims of sexual assault covered under DoD SAPR policy have the option to file a restricted or unrestricted report.

Restricted Report:
  • Enables members to report allegations of sexual assault to specified personnel (Chaplain, SARC, Victim Advocate, military medical providers) without triggering an investigation

  • Complete confidentiality; chain-of-command is NOT notified

  • Access to medical care, counseling, legal assistance, and Victim Advocate support

  • Gives victim time and increased control over the release and management of personal information; may convert to unrestricted report

  • Empowers victim to gain valuable information and the support needed to make an informed decision about participating in criminal prosecution

  • LIMITATIONS: Does not allow for expedited transfers, military protection orders, or ability to hold perpetrator accountable

Unrestricted Report:
  • This is any report of a sexual assault made through traditional reporting channels, ie: victim’s chain-of-command, police

  • Access to medical care, counseling, legal assistance, and Victim Advocate support

  • Limited confidentiality: Details of the allegation will be provided only to those who have a legitimate need-to-know

  • Law enforcement investigation enhances opportunity to hold perpetrator accountable

  • Victim may request expedited transfer, military protection order

  • LIMITATIONS: Cannot change to restricted report; may not be enough evidence to convict perpetrator, investigation/court proceedings may be lengthy​

  Useful Links
Commanders' Toolbox

​The commander's response to a sexual assault determines the climate of trust established within the unit and could encourage or prevent more victims from reporting. Establish a climate of trust by immediately taking care of the victim. Start by believing the victim. Contact the SARC, ensure victim's safety, obtain medical care and/or counseling if needed, and ensure a victim advocate is assigned. Contact law enforcement and JAG to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. Keep the victim informed throughout the process. Remember, establishing a non-permissive climate, where potential future offenders know they will be investigated and held accountable, will increase reporting and decrease incidents of sexual assault.

Instructions, Regulations, Policies
Commander's Checklist
Visual Aids/Letters/Articles

Victim Advocate Toolbox

​The Victim Advocate (VA) provides essential support and care to the victim to include providing non-clinical information on available options and resources to assist the victim in making informed decisions as they progress through resolution and healing. The VA maintains communications and contact with the victim as needed for continued victim support.  Responsibilities of the VA:​Support: continuous victim support throughout the process Information: provides all information to the victim so that he/she can make the best decision Referral for Resources: Serve as liaison between victim and service providers Support through initial/ongoing investigation Support through court proceedings Conduct annual sexual assault training  Reports directly to Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) for Victim Advocate duties Facilitates monthly case status updates for SARC Forms, Visual Aids, Checklists DD Form 2910, Victim Preference Reporting Statement DSAID Checklist (complete and send to SARC after initial response) VA Response Checklist VA Response Tips

Victim Support
​If you have been sexually assaulted, caring and compassionate help is available.

Trained and certified Victim Advocates are ready to assist MSNG members by contacting a unit victim advocate, the JFHQ SARC, Victim Advocate Coordinator, or your command.

If the assault took place recently...
  • Go to a safe location away from the attacker.

  • Call 911 or your 24-hour local rape crisis center which can be found at

  • In cases of rape, you may want a sexual assault forensics examination at a local hospital. If you desire this a exam, do not brush your teeth, bathe, eat or drink anything to preserve evidence. 

  • Forensics examination can test for STDs and pregnancy. If you think you may have been drugged, urine sample may be collected for analysis.

  • Place clothing in a brown paper bag.

  • Write down the details you can recall about the assault and perpetrator.

  • If the assault took place in your home, do not rearrange and/or clean anything.

  • You do not have to report the sexual assault through your military chain of command unless you choose to do so.


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764