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Recent Federal Service

​During the 2010-2011 deployment to Afghanistan, the unit served as the core element of Joint Sustainment Command-Afghanistan (JSC-A), which earned the Joint Meritorious Unit Award. 184th Soldiers deployed during that time are authorized permanent wear of the Joint Meritorious Unit Award ribbon.

From January 11, 2005, to December 7, 2006, the unit deployed two detachments in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. The 184th Transportation Command Element (Forward)’s Container Management Element established an aggressive and robust program to manage more than 141,000 shipping containers throughout the Central Command’s Area of Responsibility. Through the initiation, implementation, enforcement and sustainment of the Container Management Support Tool (CMST), the Container Management Element gave senior logisticians throughout the Army, and supporting civilian agencies, the ability to globally manage their shipping processes. By emplacing Container Assistance Teams in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, the Container Management Team was able to reduce detention-drawing containers in Afghanistan by 13%. Detention-drawing containers sent to Iraq were reduced to less than 0.24% (representing 20,000 containers) through the implementation of a transload operation in Kuwait. More than 2,800 CMST users were trained globally, including European and Pacific Command logisticians, establishing CMST as the Theater Container Manager. As direct result of the Container Management Element’s efforts, more than 39,500 detention-drawing containers were returned to their perspective carriers, decreasing the average monthly detention bill for OIF/OEF containers by $14,485,030. The expected annual saving to the American Citizen will exceed $174 million per year.


The 184th Sustainment Command was originally organized and federally recognized 28 June 1921 in the Mississippi National Guard at Laurel as Company G, 1st Infantry Redesignated 14 December 1921 as Company G, 155th Infantry, an element of the 31st Division (later redesignated as the 31st Infantry Division) Redesignated 26 February 1925 as Company I. 155th Infantry Inducted into Federal service 25 November 1940 at Laurel Inactivated 12 December 1945 at Camp Stoneman. California Reorganized and Federally recognized 12 August 1947 at Laurel Ordered into active Federal service 16 January 1951 at Laurel (Company I, 155th Infantry [NGUS], organized and federally recognized 19 January 1953 at Laurel) (Company I. 155th Infantry [NGUS]. redesignated 2 November 1953 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company. 3d Battalion. 155th Infantry [NGUS]) Company I. 155th Infantry, released 15 June 1954 from active Federal service, reverted to state control, and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 155th Infantry; Federal recognition concurrently withdrawn from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 155th Infantry (NGUS) Consolidated 1 May 1959 with Headquarters Battery, 204th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (organized and Federally recognized 20 April 1961 at Laurel), Medical Detachment, 204th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (organized and Federally recognized 18 February 1952 at Laurel), and the 183d Signal Detachment (organized and Federally recognized 1 November 1956 at Laurel). and consolidated unit reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battle Group, 155th Infantry, an element of the 31st Infantry Division Ordered into active Federal service 30 September 1962 at Laurel; released 16 October 1962 from active Federal service and reverted to state control Reorganized and redesignated 1 Hay 1963 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Brigade, 31st Infantry Division Converted and redesignated 15 February 1965 Headquarters and Headquarters Company. 184th Transportation Command, and relieved from assignment to the 31st Infantry Division Reorganized and redesignated 1 February 1972 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 184th Transportation Brigade Converted, reorganized, and redesignated 1 September 2006 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 184th Sustainment Command Ordered into active Federal service 3 August 2010 at Laurel; released from active Federal service 6 September 2011 and reverted to state control

Campaign Participation Credits: War II, New Guinea (with arrowhead), Southern Philippines; War on Terrorism, Afghanistan: Consolidation III.

Decorations include the Philippine Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered 17 OCTOBER 1944 TO 4 JULY 1945.

Detachment 1, 184th Sustainment Command, Hattiesburg, Miss, was organized and federally recognized on 17 April 1933 as Battery E, 114th Field Artillery, an element of the 31st Division. The unit's lineage perpetuates the history of the 114th Support Group and elements of the 114th Field Artillery Regiment, and included campaign participation credit from World War I, World War II and War on Terrorism. As the 114th Area Support Group, the unit earned a Meritorious Unit Award for service in Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from 6 January 2004 to 17 October 2004. This is not reflected in the 184th Sustainment Command's lineage.


184ESC Logo



35 National Guard Drive, Monticello, Mississippi 39654
Phone: (601) 313-3030

6450 Highway 49, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401
Phone: (601) 583-2756


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764