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There are a multitude of opportunities to earn additional money in the Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARNG). 

Below are just a few of the many benefits MSARNG Soldiers may be eligible to receive. 

Non-Prior Service Enlistment Bonus 

You could receive an enlistment bonus of up to $20,000 for joining the MSARNG, only when contracting in a priority 1 Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). 

Prior-Service Enlistment Bonus 

An enlistment bonus of up to $20,000 may be available to prior service members joining the MSARNG that are already duty MOS qualified.  

Reenlistment/Extension Bonus 

An extension bonus of up to $10,000 may be available to current MSARNG Soldiers who have no more than 13 years and 1 month total service. 

Military Occupational Specialty Conversion Bonus 

The MSARNG offers a Military Occupational Specialty Conversion Bonus (MOSCB) of $10,000 to eligible Soldiers to voluntarily or involuntarily (due to unit reorganization, transformation, inactivation, or the needs of the MSARNG) reclassify into a targeted shortage MOS.  

Officer / Warrant Officer Accession Bonus 

The MSARNG Officer incentives are currently suspended.   

Officer / Warrant Officer Affiliation Bonus 

The MSARNG Officer incentives are currently suspended.

Other Bonuses 

Additional enlistment, accession, and affiliation bonuses may be available for civilian acquired skills or for prior service members who obtain skills from previous service. While a member may be eligible for multiple bonuses, federal law limits the total amount paid to the Service Member (SM). Contact your nearest MSARNG Recruiter for more details.

  Student Loan Repayment Program
Non-Prior Service
  • Cat I - IIIA Enlistment (AFQT 50 or higher) 

  • Enlist for the 6x2, or 8x0 option in an MTOE Unit 

  • Have one or more existing, qualifying loans at the time of enlistment. 

  • Soldiers may incur additional student loans ONLY during a subsequent period of reenlistment. 

** Promissory notes must be submitted prior to a Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) Control Number being issued to ensure loan eligibility ** 

Prior-Service Enlistees & Current ARNG Members 
  • MOSQ for duty position in which enlisting or extending. 

  • Enlist in a valid, vacant position within unit's established, authorized wartime strength at the MOS level. 

  • Have not previously received the SLRP as an enlistment, re-enlistment or extension option in any Selected Reserve

  • Prior-Service Applicants may enlist, and current MSARNG Soldiers may extend at any time, for a term of service of not less than 6 years in order to establish SLRP eligibility. 

  • SLRP may be offered regardless of the number of years a Soldier has at the time he or she meets other requirements. 

  • Have at least one qualifying, existing loan at the time of re-enlistment or extension. If soldiers enlist or extend in a Critical Unit Identification Code (UIC) or Critical MOS, they may incur additional student loans during the contracted period of enlistment. 

  • Soldiers may continue to extend until they reach the maximum dollar amount authorized under their respective SLRP contract. 

** Promissory notes must be submitted prior to a SLRP control number being issued to ensure loan eligibility ** 

** Soldiers who have completed or are currently under contract for the previously authorized $20,000 SLRP benefit, may not transfer to the new $50,000 SLRP option ** 

  • Payments will not exceed $7,500 for each anniversary year of the incentive term.

    • Anniversary SLRP payments will not exceed 15 percent or $500 (whichever is greater) of the initial disbursed amounts that were approved upon the date of enlistment, affiliation, reenlistment or extension, to include interest. 

  • Memorandums will be submitted to the unit and the Soldier within 90 days of the Soldier's anniversary date, along with a Department of Defense (DD) Form 2475 to initiate annual payments. 

  • SLRP is the Soldier's responsibility; payments and loans must remain in good standing.

  Frequently Asked Questions
What bonuses are currently being offered by the MSARNG for new recruits and/or prior service enlistments?

Please visit the Recruiting and Retention website and speak with your nearest recruiter. The bonus matrix located on the sidebar of this page may also be helpful in navigating through the bonus policy. 

Are bonus payments tax exempt?

Typically, bonus payments are considered fully taxable income by state and federal governments. Payments resulting from contracts signed while deployed to select designated combat zones are often eligible for tax exemption status. 

When will I receive my bonus payment(s)?

Review your enlistment contract / bonus addendum for your appropriate payment schedule. Speak with your chain of command prior to your pay eligibility date to ensure all personnel documentation is processed. Once you have been certified for the eligibility period, funds disbursement should occur within 15 business days.

How will my bonus be paid?

All bonus payments are made directly through the military pay system. Funds will be disbursed to the account on file, typically direct deposit, in the Soldier's myPay account. Changing bank accounts immediately prior to disbursement of funds may delay bonus receipt. If you are unsure of how to access the myPay system, contact your unit for guidance. 

I have just returned from Initial Active Duty Training (IADT) but have not been paid my bonus yet. What should I do? 

Contact your RSP Coordinator and/or Readiness NCO. They will need copies of your high school diploma or equivalency, DD form 214, MOS Orders. Personnel Services will update your status in the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A) accordingly and funds may be released thereafter. 

I contracted under the SLRP option, but have not received any payments on my student loans?

Contact your unit in order to verify that all promissory notes and disbursement sheets have been forwarded to the SLRP Manager. Payments are disbursed directly to the lending institution on an annual basis one year from date of eligibility. 

I am considering applying for an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) or Military Technician position. What impact does this have on my bonus payments?

The Selected Reserve Incentive Program (SRIP) Policy terminates all bonus contracts upon acceptance of either an AGR or Military Technician position, any future payments will be cancelled. 

What are some of the most common reasons Soldiers become ineligible to receive their bonus?

Soldiers must perform in a satisfactory status during their contract term. Common disqualifications include, but are not limited to, failure to become MOSQ in current duty position, accumulation of 9 or more Absent Without Leave (AWOLs) in a 12 month period, adverse actions present on personnel records, and/or 2 consecutive record Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) failures.  Soldiers should work with their unit to ensure their continued eligibility for all incentive programs. 

If you have a question other than those listed above, please utilize your designated chain of command. If your unit is unable to respond to your inquiry, they will contact the Education Services Office to get resolution to your question.


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764