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Army Personnel Testing (APT) Overview
  • APT encompasses standardized tests used to determine eligibility for specialized training and to support the Army's personnel selection and classification process, including language proficiency testing (Reference: Army Regulation (AR) 611-5).
APT Examinations
  • Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT)

    • Soldiers who need to improve their original Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score may be administered the AFCT via the online iCAT. The iCAT replaces the paper-based version of the AFCT. Soldiers may not be given the AFCT earlier than six months after the date of their Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) ASVAB exam. The AFCT must be administered in its entirety.

    • AFCT Retests: There is no limit on how many times a Soldier can retake the AFCT but may not take the AFCT any earlier than six months from the previous AFCT.

    • Exceptions to Policy (ETPs): All ETPs for Mississippi National Guard (MSNG) Service Members (SMs) must be processed through the State Test Control Officer (TCO) and submitted through the National Guard Bureau (NGB). There are no exceptions to this rule. HQ ACCESS ARMYU will reject your ETP if submitted incorrectly.

      • Retests earlier than six months after the previous test require an approved ETP.

      • ETP requests must include the number of times the Soldier has taken the AFCT, the dates of the tests and the General Technical (GT) scores obtained. Further, requests must document the preparations the Soldier has to take to improve his or her scores.

    • The new scores obtained upon completion of the AFCT will replace your previous ASVAB / AFCT, no exceptions.

    • AFCT Preparation Course: The Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) is designed to help Soldiers prepare for the AFCT. This course is self-paced and customized based on your answers on a pre-assessment. Lessons utilize interactive exercises such as drag-and-drop matching, video game-style multiple choice, and dynamic flash cards. Quizzes and practice problem sets also help students gauge their mastery of the material. Lessons include the following areas: reading comprehension, math, and vocabulary. The OASC is available to all ARNG Soldiers.

  • Section Instrument Flight Training (SIFT)

    • The SIFT is a computer-based test battery that was developed using industry-standard scientific methods to predict the success of students in aviation training programs. The complete test battery is used as a primary selection instrument for the Army aviation program. Applicants for the aviation program must have attained appropriate qualifying score(s) on the SIFT prior to selection for the Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) program.

    • SIFT test prep:

  • Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)

    • The DLPT is a computer-based battery of foreign language tests produced by the Defense Language Institute (DLI) and used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to document foreign language proficiency of SMs.

  • Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB)

    • The DLAB evaluates the aptitude of a SM to learn a foreign language. The test determines a Soldier’s eligibility for language training.

How Do I Qualify?
  • Testing center is open to all actively serving SMs.
How to Apply
  • Complete a Department of the Army (DA) Form 4187 (Request for Personnel Action), signed by the Unit Commander, must be submitted to the TCO to schedule an APT exam.

  • Select testing date and time.

    • Testing conducted in the Education Services Office at JFH every Tuesday and Thursday at 0800 and 1300.

    • Testing conducted in the Education Services Office at Camp Shelby on Thursdays at 0800

Contact Information (preferred)
Office Numbers(601) 313-6300 or (601) 313-6442 or (601) 313-6276 


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764