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Shelby Training Resources


Requests for all facilities, including ranges, training areas, Training Aids Devices Simulators Systems (TADSS) and buildings should be submitted to the Camp Shelby Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) no later than 90 days prior to the desired training period. Units should call or write, CSJFTC -DPTMS 1001 Lee Ave. Camp Shelby, MS 39407, for a copy of the Camp Shelby Range Regulation, which provides facilities information and request forms.

Maneuver and Training Areas

Camp Shelby is comprised of 134,000 acres of which 120,000 are dedicated to training. The 120,000 acres are divided into 64 numbered training areas. Track maneuver can now be conducted in five of these training areas with additional heavy track maneuver in specified DOD blocks. Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) maneuver can be accomplished concurrently when conducting live fire on Camp Shelby’s four Tank and BFV ranges.


Camp Shelby has over 27 direct fire ranges of different type and capability. For individual and crew served weapons qualification there are three Modified Record Fire (MRF) ranges, one Combat Pistol Qualification Course and one multi-purpose machine gun range (all computer operated and scored) available with supporting 25- and 10-meter ranges.

Camp Shelby has the range capability to support all tables of tank/ BFV/ truck gunneries in accordance with FM 3-20.21 Heavy Brigade Combat Team Gunnery. A newly constructed Urban Assault Course (UAC) contains a live fire shoot house, M203 grenadier range and three non-live fire training facilities. Range capabilities also include squad live fire, base defense live fire, helicopter door gunnery tables and convoy live fire.

There are also 115 Artillery Firing Points with direct fire on 14A, 15 Mortar Firing Points, direct lay on range 13D and 60MM direct lay on 12C and 6 Multiple Launch Rocket System – Reduced Range Practice Rocket (MLRS-RRPR) Firing Points.


Training Support Center (TSC)/Training Aids Devices Simulators and Systems (TADSS)

The following simulation and virtual training devices are available:

Reconfigurable Vehicle Tactical Trainer (RVTT), MRAP Virtual Vehicle Trainer (M-VVT), Mobile Counter IED Trainer (MCIT), Virtual Clearance Training Suite (VCTS), Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2), HEAT, MRAP Egress Trainer (MET), MRAP Common Driver Trainer (CDT), FLEXTRAIN 3.0, CFFT 1:30, COFT XXI and EST 2000.


Training Facility

The Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) was introduced into the Camp Shelby training arsenal in August 2012. Contingency Operating Locations (COL) contains hard structure buildings with grid power. Camp Shelby’s three Counter Improvised Explosive Device Home Station Training Lanes (CIED-HSTL) have been restructured to enhance training. There are 14 villages available for training.


Air to Ground Complex Areas

The Air to Ground ranges are located within restricted airspace area designated R-4401. Camp Shelby has two Air to Ground ranges, 202 East and 201 West. 202 East is a modified conventional range with tactical targets available, as well as standard strafe, rocket and bombing targets. Tactical deliveries may be accomplished on all targets. 201 West is a modified conventional range. Strafe scoring is by acoustical scoring system. This area has numerous targets consisting of tanks, armor personnel carriers and connex boxes. Live munitions must be coordinated at least 45 days prior with CRTC range Control Officer.



1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764