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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) through ArmyIgnitED pays up to $250.00 per semester hour, not to exceed 16 semester hours per fiscal year.  For example, FY-23 covers courses with start dates between 1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023.

As of Monday, 29 August 2022, Soldiers using the Federal Tuition Assistance Program must navigate to the upgraded version of the ArmyIgnitED portal to establish a NEW ArmyIgnitED account to request tuition assistance for courses beginning 1 October 2022 and later.
Education Services Specialist (NGB / MSARNG)
Phone: (601) 927-9297

Useful Links and Resources
  State Educational Assistance Program (SEAP)

The Mississippi National Guard State Educational Assistance Program (SEAP) is an education incentive for eligible members of the Mississippi National Guard for education assistance at Mississippi supported/accredited colleges at the junior and senior levels. SEAP may only be used towards the first undergraduate degree or technical certificate. Funds may be combined with FTA, GI Bill (excluding Ch. 33), grants, scholarships, or any other funding received by the student. There is a 10 Year window from the first payment made until expiration of SEAP eligibility. **SEAP funding is allocated through the State Legislative process. All funds and amounts are subject to availability**

• • • • SEAP AGO FORM 5 (NEW) • • • •

• • • • SEAP AGO FORM 5 Supplemental Award Application (NEW) • • • •

All deadlines must be met in order to qualify for the SEAP benefit during that semester. 

  • Deadlines are as follows:
  • If the deadline is not met, the SM must submit in writing for an exception through the Education office. 
SEAP Eligibility Requirements
  • Must be a Basic Training or Basic Camp (ROTC) Graduate
  • Must be a registered voter in the State of Mississippi.
  • Actively serving in good standing at the time of application and during the entire semester/quarter for which benefits are received.
  • Taking undergraduate level courses at a Mississippi university or institution.
  • Must maintain a 2.0 SEMESTER GPA average.
  • Inform school of intention to utilize SEAP.
What Does SEAP Pay?
  • If eligible for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA), SEAP will pay up to $5000 for eligible SMs per state fiscal year by way of a General Scholarship Fund.
    • $1100 per semester for full-time students at a two-year Mississippi institution.
    • $2500 per semester for full-time students at a four-year Mississippi institution.
      • Less than full-time (11 semester hours or less but at least 6 semester hours) students may still apply but will only receive half of the full-time allotment.
  • SM may apply for additional award after all other funding has been posted, not to exceed the cost of tuition at a Mississippi public institution.

    • Only SMs not entitled to Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) may apply for additional funding.
Items Required for SEAP Submission  
Method of Submission

Submit all documents to Education Office NLT: 1 February for Spring, 1 September for Fall  (preferred)
Fax Number(601) 313-6151

For more information call (601) 313-6300 or (601) 313-6442

  Grade Submission

Please submit grades NLT 30 days after course completion 

Be sure document is legible & includes: 

  • Full Legal Name 
  • Last 4 of SSN 
  • Phone Number


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764