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The official website of the State of Mississippi

OrdnanceThe Regional Training Site - 2nd Ordnance Training Battalion (OTB) programs and provides institutional training within assigned Ordnance Career Management Fields (CMF's), Additional Skill Identifier (ASI), and Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) missions based on the collective requirements identified by NGB-ART-I (Individual Training Branch), the Army Program for Individual Training (ARPRINT) for the Army National Guard, the United States Army Reserve, and the Active Component (AC) in support of the Army's Modular Force.

The OTB provides management and quality assurance for all ordnance training as tasked within the Battalion assigned Ordnance Training Companies. The OTB provides for the review and development of associated TATS courseware to the Army's training needs and the Contemporary Operating Environment (COE). Additionally, the OTB provides operation, training, administration, logistical, and resource management support as required to accomplish the mission to train the Army Warrior within each respective State and Territory as specified and approved by The Adjutant General (TAG).

Building 3601, Forrest Avenue
Camp Shelby, MS 39407

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Direct Contacts

Chief Instructor
Phone: (601) 558-2802

Senior Instructor
Phone: (601) 558-2801

Human Resources NCO
Phone: (601) 558-2740

Operations | QA NCO | Course Managers
Phone: (601) 558-2800


Course: 91A/P/H/M - (ASIH9) Track Vehicle Recovery Specialist

Course: 91B - Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic

Course: 91B/E/L/S - (ASIH8) Wheel Vehicle Recovery Specialist 

Course: 91C - Utilities Equipment Repairer

Course: 91M - Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer

Course: Miscellaneous


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764