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The official website of the State of Mississippi


Provide quality and relevant medical training to the armed forces of the United States (US), as directed by the CINC, Department of the Army, Director ARNG, and Governor of the State of Mississippi. Ensure that all Combat Medics and Combat Lifesavers of the ARNG, who come through our center for training, receive quality instruction that is both current and relevant. Help to maintain a fully trained and prepared ARNG medical staff to support any medical mission of the US and its Territories that may arise around the world, in support of combat or peacetime operations.


Building 1450, South 14th Street
Camp Shelby, MS 39407

Direct Contacts

5th MED BN Fax
Phone: (601) 558-2906

Chief Instructor
Phone: (601) 558-2629

68W MOS-T Course Manager
Phone: (601) 558-2607

68W CMT Course Manager
Phone: (601) 558-2969

5th MED BN Army CMS Course Coordinator
Phone: (601) 558-2969

5th MED BN Quality Assurance
Phone: (601) 558-2969


Course: 68W - Comprehensive Medical Training (CMT)

Course: 68W10 - Health Care Specialist


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764