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The official website of the State of Mississippi

FrontThe 3rd NCOA will provide the most relevant and comprehensive leadership education based on current doctrine.  This education will be taught by morally and mentally fit instructors in an environment conducive to learning.  The result will be confident leaders returning to their unit’s ready to lead from the front in an ever-changing operational environment while conducting missions ranging from unified land operations to defense support of civil authorities.

Building 3500, "C" Avenue
Camp Shelby, MS 39407

Direct Contacts

Phone: (601) 558-2584

Quality Assurance
Phone: (601) 558-2207

Operations NCO
Phone: (601) 558-2482


Course: CFDP-IC (Common Faculty Development Program- Instructor Course)

Course: Basic Leader Course

Course: Master Leader Course


1410 Riverside Drive

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 313-6764